Saturday, December 7, 2024

Beavis & Butthead "Abduction" Season 2, episode 12 animatics now on YouTube

 New animatics for Beavis & Butt-head season 2 that aired on Paramount +
and produced by Titmouse Animation, are up now on my YouTube channel.



Trip Tank "The Flash" - Design, storyboard, and direction by Ray Alma -2016


This was a short that I initially was just supposed to design and storyboard but was eventually given Director credit on. It was for a Comedy Central show called "TRIP TANK" that aired in 2016, produced by Shadowmachine studio.
Screencap from short:


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Mike Judge's BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD animatics now on my YouTube channel

 I now have a YouTube channel
where I will be posting animatics from some of the network shows
that I have been storyboarding on for the last few years.

My first playlist consists of animatics for


I've been storyboarding on this reboot of the show
that airs on Paramount + and Comedy Central
since 2021.

Click on the image or go here to view the YouTube animatics:

An example of a shot from the finished cartoon:

Friday, May 21, 2021

Guest Speaker at FanFaire 2021

You can spend your initial career focused on the static page, and then years later wind up moving to animation, or even directing your first full-length animated movie! What are the challenges in such a move, and if you could do it over again, what would you look out for? Come chat with illustrator turned director Scott Christian Sava and veteran triple-threat illustrator/cartoonist/animator and SVA educator Ray Alma as they go over their artistic journey.

Guests: Scott Christian Sava & Ray Alma

Visit to view link to this scheduled panel, and others!


@fanfairenyc #fanfaire #fanfairenyc #fanfairenyc2021 #comicon #comics #artstudents #artist #education #animator #school #film  #illustrator #animation



Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The end of an Error. "Our Cartoon President" Ep #317

 As Trump prepares to depart the White House, I'm reminded
of this scene in "Our Cartoon President" episode #317 that I storyboarded. :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

"Transformers: Rescue Bots" Storyboards

Some storyboard examples from my time working
on "Transformers: Rescue Bots".

Here's a sequence from episode 410:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Chris Cuomo on "Our Cartoon President"

 I was excited to see that the acting gestures I storyboarded
for Chris Cuomo on "Our Cartoon President"
(Episode 315 -"Wartime President")
made it into the final cut. 

Chris having a frustrating phone call with his mother.
